I find it difficult to answer the problem when it is so hard to make sure the mark goes on the chosen answer. The quiz. doesn't enlarge enough to help avoid unintended choices. Fix it please!
Is there any possibility, of obtaining Brain Candy for Kids, in Spanish. I can Help, by Translating. Thank You.
Candy for the brain. Treat yourself.
I love it but the only thing is, the word puzzles should have more than one clue because there are 2 (faint hearted sign, crossed out bananas) that I can't figure out and I've been trying for 2 days.
love trivia
I liked the other one i had on my other phon
It really boggles the mind but fun to play!
Some of the puzzles instructions is not clear enough
Nice start to what could be used as a quick basic test of the analytical abilities of a person with learning disabilities; as well as a fun game. Needs more explanations of each play. Needs a better results / score display and analysis. Keep up the good work.
Love this game